A report on blended biomass for cogeneration, by Amaury Perez Sanchez: Cuba, like other countries with few fossil energy resources, has used biomass to fuel its industrial processes for decades. More recently, it has worked to improve efficiency and increase the role that these plants play in supplying grid power.
DalinYebo's Comment: Using sugarcane bagasse for electricity cogeneration is a well established practise. A recent reports suggestions blended biomass for co-firing of additional 'waste' biomass in a sugar mill. However, bagasse, in our humble opinion, is a more valuable biomass feedstock for fuels, chemicals, paper, feed etc., than just another fuel source. Supplying a bagasse-fired boiler with a biomass blend is a first step in releasing this value, as it would make more bagasse available for the production of furfural. The Biomass.Market™ platform helps sugar millers in managing the supply of additional, blended biomass .
The sugarcane agribusiness has supported the Cuban economy for decades, and nowadays it plays an important role in the rapid development and growth of the country’s internal and external markets. Today, sugarcane biomass constitutes the energy source with highest potential in the medium to long term, as Cuba is an agricultural country with a sugarcane industry that generates millions of tons per year of high-energy-value residues.
However, the once-strong Cuban sugar industry, which was capable of producing up to eight million tons of sugar per year, hit the bottom in 2009–2010 when total sugar production tumbled to 1.1 million metric tons (mt), the lowest level in 105 years. The situation is beginning to improve, and the administration is taking some important measures to boost efficiency and increase production. ...
Read the full report @ Bagasse and Blended Biomass Cogeneration Advances (Cuban Example) | Biomass Blog
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